Ginger Apple Bitters Kit

Ginger Apple Bitters Kit


Make your own tasty Digestive Bitters

There is a long history of people using bitter herbs as digestive aids. Eaten as an important part of the diet, mixed into honey, or tinctured in alcohol. This kit is for an alcohol tincture (though you can substitute if you’d rather not use alcohol -more info in the kit).

Bitters have been traditionally used to help wake up the digestion, absorb nutrients, eliminate waste, ease bloating, heaviness, and tiredness after meals. Ease constipation, indigestion, heartburn, and support general wellbeing. They are also popular in cocktails and aperitifs:)

The kit includes:

-The herbs (Apple, Burdock root, Dandelion root, Ginger) in the jar you make it in

-Dropper bottle

-Info and instructions

-Everything you need to make bitters except the alcohol. It’s a super easy process. Just 5 mins to get it started. And then you let it infuse for about a month, shaking regularly, strain, and enjoy! This kit makes about 150 mls of bitters.

*This is not a medical recommendation. We advise you to consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbs, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, dealing with health concerns, or taking medications.

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